Request Your FIT Kit

The FIT (fecal immunochemical test) is a screening test for people at average risk of getting colorectal cancer.

You may be eligible for this test if:
  • You are 50-74 years old
  • You have a valid Ontario health card
  • You do not have a first-degree relative who has been diagnosed with colorectal cancer
  • Your last FIT was done 2 years ago
  • Your last colonoscopy was done 10 years ago and you do not require a repeat colonoscopy

Cancer Care Ontario sends letters through ColonCancerCheck to eligible people ages 50-74 who are due for screening. If you have received this letter, or think you are eligible based on the above criteria, please complete this form.

Your doctor will review the request and order the test if you are eligible. You will receive the kit in the mail. Please follow the included instructions to complete and submit it promptly. Do not bring completed tests to our office.

If you are unsure or have questions, please book an appointment to discuss with your doctor.

For more information about Ontario's Colon Cancer Screening program please click here.

What if I am at increased risk for colorectal cancer?
  • Colonoscopy (instead of FIT) is recommended to screen people who are at increased risk
  • You may qualify for earlier screening (before age 50)
  • Please book an appointment to discuss testing with your doctor